We condemn in the strongest performances of the deputies to the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, in a minimally transparent and without exhausting the legal procedures, have been chosen as a magistrate holder before the Constitutional Court, the judge Mynor Bike accused by the Public prosecutor of crimes of corruption and complicity with organized crime. The judge Bike has a long tradition of engagement with the impunity of state officials related to narcotics trafficking, corruption and violation of human rights.
According to numerous institutions, human rights defenders, inside and outside of Guatemala, the purpose of this maneuver openly illegal to monopolize the maximum constitutional court to strengthen the impunity of violators of fundamental rights and corrupt officials. The public Prosecutor's office against Corruption and the office of the Special Prosecutor against Impunity have pointed out that Mynor Bike does not meet the minimum requirements of suitability, ability, honesty and integrity. Despite being in the process several writs and seven appeals against his election, Jet was sworn in hours of the night by a majority group of congressmen known by the people and the press in guatemala as the “pact of the corrupt” that account with full support of the President Alejandro Giammattei and his government.
Disturbed by this event, open and blatant illegality, as evidence of the control that has been achieved in Guatemala organized crime and the system of impunity on the bodies of executive, legislative, and judicial. The story demonstrates the ends of aberration that can reach the government officials who have lost the legal limits, you have stopped to consider the national and international public opinion and do not stop in front of the signs of the multilateral agencies.
This is particularly serious in a country which is in the midst of the greatest crisis global health is mired in poverty and unemployment, at the same time repressed violently to the central american migrants, are increased cases of femicide and are criminalized and punishable by women and human rights defenders. With an average 15 defenders killed each year, the guatemalan State does not guarantee the free exercise of defense of the human right to defend human rights.
We express our solidarity with the guatemalan citizenship and encourage you to continue in the defense of the rule of Law and to express their abhorrence of the corruption and impunity. With his determined struggle and the joint support from the international community, the people of Guatemala will move forward in the building of a country more just and more human.
January 29, 2021.
Foundation for Democracy
Fundación Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Open Memory, Argentina.
Association Paths of Memory, Peru.
Association for the Memory and Human Rights Colonia Dignidad, Chile.
Association Peace and Hope, Peru.
Memorial of the Resistance Dominican, Dominican Republic.
Foundation Children of the Resistance Dominican, Dominican Republic.
Museum of the Word and the Image –MUPI-, El Salvador.
Network for Peace and the Development of Guatemala –RPDG-, Diaspora Guatemalan.
Unit movement Progressive and Popular –MUPP-, Guatemala.
Association Peace with Dignity, the Spanish State.
Core da Preservação da Memória Policy of São Paulo, Brazil.
Museum of the Memory of Rosario, Argentina.
Group of Studies on Central america, Institute for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean,
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Foundation 1367 Home Memory José Domingo Cañas, Chile.
International institute of Learning for Reconciliation –IIARS-, Guatemala.
Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales –CELS-, Argentina.
Provincial commission for Memory –CPM-, Argentina.
Human Rights office of the Archbishop of Guatemala –ODHAG-, Guatemala.
Commission Jacobo Árbenz in Argentina.
Solidarity Association Guatemala-Argentina.
Memorial to the Concordia, Guatemala.
Grouping of Family members of victims of Political executions –AFEP-, Chile.
Ecumenical Community Martin Luther King, Chile.
Commission Funa, Chile.
Corporation La Serena, October 16, Chile.
Víctor Jara Foundation, Chile.
Corporation 3 and 4 Poplar, Park, Peace, Memory and Justice, Chile.
Corporation Memory Cerro Chena, Chile
Grouping by the Historical Memory Providence Antofagasta, Chile.
Museum of Memories: Dictatorship and Human Rights, Paraguay.
Association of Relatives of Detained and Missing persons and Martyrs for the Release –
ASOFAMD-, Bolivia.
Colombian network of Places of Memory, Colombia.
Secretariat of the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience.
Lighthouse of the Memory of Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Provincial archives of Memory of Córdoba, Argentina.
All by Guatemala/All For Guatemala, Canada.
Platform Guatemaltecxs Exiled by State Terrorism, Canada.
Montreal Elders for Environmental Justice, Canada.
Older Women Live (OWL) Ckut FM 90.3, Montreal, Canada.
Institute of Space for the Memory, Argentina.
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Argentina.
Nora Räthzel, feminist, Professor of Sociology, University of Umea, Sweden.
Martín Almada, Alternative Nobel Prize 2002, Paraguay.
Norberto Alayón, Professor, Consultant, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Maria Stella Caceres, Director of the Museum of Memories, Paraguay.
Daniel Feierstein, a Professor UNTREF and UBA in studies on genocide, Argentina.
Lita Stantic, film Producer, Argentina.
Alcira Argumedo, Sociologist, Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA,
Beinusz Szmukler, President of the Consultative Council Continental Association
American Jurists, Argentina.
Ana Maria Careaga, Psychoanalyst, researcher and lecturer of the university of buenos AIRES, Argentina.
Latin american federation of Associations for Relatives of Detained
Missing -FEDEFAM-.
Instituto Vladimir Herzog. Democracy, human rights and freedom of expression,
Committee for the Defence of Health, Ethics and Human Rights -CODESEDH-,
Nora Cortiñas, Mother of Plaza de Mayo-Line Founder, Argentina.
Rodolfo Pastore, Director of the Department of Economy and Management of the
National university of Quilmes, Argentina.
Diana Mulinari, Department of Gender, University of Lund, Sweden.
Ander Neegaard, Studies of ethnicity and migration, Linköping University,
Marta Pérez Valverde, Psychoanalyst, Vienna, Austria.
Permanent assembly for Human Rights –APDH-, Argentina.