Presentation report on the Mission of Solidarity and Complaint carried out in Chile

[16:54, 17/1/2020] Lu Press Governed: The report, carried out in the framework of the mission headed by Rigoberta Menchú Tum and Guillermo Whpei, details the current situation of Chile and the systematic violation of the Human Rights of the citizens of the State. It was presented at the Palace of la Moneda, the seat of the former National Congress in Santiago and to various international agencies.

From the start of the month of November to date, the Mission of Solidarity and Complaint led by the Nobel Peace prize winner, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, and the president of our Foundation, William Whpei, has maintained close communication in Chile with various organizations and entities linked to human rights. As A result of these meetings, and the accompaniment in the field of demonstrations by citizens, prepared a report that details the critical situation they face Chile in the present.

The writing was presented this week at the la Moneda Palace -directed to the president Sebastian Piñera - and in the site of the former National Congress in Santiago. It also took delivery of the report to the deputy mapuche-huilliche, Emilia Ancapichun, and Haroldo Brito Cruz, president of the Supreme court of Chile. Finally, he arrived at the National Institute of Human Rights, after a tense meeting with authorities.

In the report, it is confirmed that “in the various forms of public demonstration, the citizens show a peaceful attitude, and above the actions of violent groups and provocative prevalent behaviors peaceful majority”. At the same time, the mission has found a direct way, “the character disproportionate, pervasive, systematic and indiscriminate human rights violations being committed by the security forces of the State that evidence of the abundant availability of resources for the repression.”

The report shows, in addition, the pre-existence of policies and practices methodical repression, as evidenced by the number of dead and injured at the hands of state agents, the amount of victims of torture and rape, and more than 350 cases of people who have suffered serious eye injuries –many of them irreversible - as a product of the direct shooting birdshot and tear gas bombs.

Faced with the evidence on the serious damage that the security forces of the State have caused hundreds of people by the use of rifles that shoot pellets, the mission requires, in its report, the total and immediate ban on the use of such firearms. Not enough to regulate or regulate its use, it has been demonstrated that it does not limit the use of criminal that weapon. In addition, it has launched a campaign on the online platform., pushing for a petition addressed to the secretary-general of the United Nations to achieve the ban.

Finally, given the widespread and systematic violations of human rights that are running the State security forces, the mission verified and detailed in his report that “intentional, planned and consistent in Chile are in violation of fundamental rules of international law”. The paper points out that according to the Statute of the International Criminal Court, adopted in July 1998, the term crime against humanity, the different types of severe inhumane acts when they are part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, with knowledge of such aggression. Before the evidence is compelling that the items detailed by the Court are present in the government repression undertaken in Chile against the peaceful protesters, the mission concludes in the commission of crimes against humanity on the part of the State.

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